May 1, 2009

Through to the other side ...


Jackjack has had a very, very peaceful night which is exactly what his poor little body needs! When changing his diaper & cleaning him up last night, rolling him caused the pressure from his cast to release & his incision started to bleed heavier. They ended up trimming his cast so a pressure bandage could be placed to help stop the bleeding & this morning it looks like it has started to work :)

His "gravol" has definately worn off during the night & we just got him cleaned up again, given him another dose & he's resting .... sweet boy. I'm praying today will be easier on his little body, that he is able to rest well, start healing.

You know, I honestly, thought I had let go of the anger I originally felt when Jackjack was diagnosed but it returned last night. My anger isn't for me but for Jack ... he has had such a long year & has been nothing but a happy, giggly, loving, little fighter. Knowing that all of this could have been avoided, knowing that this wouldn't, shouldn't be necessary makes me angry, frustrated .... so sad. This happens to so-many-children, please share Jack's story so others won't have to be sitting here, watching their child, wishing that it wasn't so. DDH is so easy to diagnose, this shouldn't happen.

I always say that if I can just make it through to the other side of this ... everything will be okay. Right now, everything is okay & I am feeling blessed to be on the other side! Jackjack is "in the zone, Sullivan", pain free, many tubies not free, & hanging in there!

Last night was the toughest "night before" we've had .... resulting in a very, very sleepy boy by the time surgery came (he didn't fight falling asleep for the first time!). Jackjack seemed to know exactly what was going on when Mommy put on her pretty hat & coat to carry him back to surgery .... he didn't want to let go of Daddy! I was able to hold & talk with him while he was falling asleep ~ I would be lost if I wasn't able to provide our sweet children with this one comfort.

Jackjack's release of his "fair weather friend" (or orchiopexy) went very well. His testicle didn't like to be overly warm, just nice and toasty, so it was easy to find, release & bring down. The little mister's "mister" looks awfully sore & swollen making his cast very tight around the diaper opening.... which has been a gift in itself, putting pressure on his incisions helping them to clot.

His innominate osteotomy went smoothly & was a success!! Dr. J is very happy with how solid his hip is & she only needed to use 2 pins (these will be removed in 6 months). Jackjack's cast is blue .... we realized, after Dr. J came to chat with us, that we didn't request a color & forgot to ask ~ I wonder why ?! His right leg is absolutely free with his cast wrapping around his waist to his armpits, around his right hip & all the way down to his chubby ankle on his left! WOOT WOOT .... I have a feeling he may not be slowed down at all with this one! His epidural will remain in tonight & they will start to wean him slowly tomorrow until he is able to do with a lower dose pain medicine. His vital signs are all stable, he has no sign of fever & has stopped being sick to his wee tummy (knock on wood!).
I am pooped beyond belief (& apologize for the state of this update but I think it makes sense?)& will lie down as soon as I can kick my sweet hubby off of my "bed" ;)

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