June 7, 2009

How ....

How does this happen .... I blink & it's next month!! Where have I been .... what has been keeping me so busy? As I think about it, it may have been the ...

56 loads of laundry 
3 thunderstorms & 1 snowstorm (seriously)
1 faraway school trip
too many repeats of the itsy bitsy spider to count

 out of town guests, in town guests, impromptu guests
 1 dance recital

 1 dinner out
 3 sleepovers
 2 gardens started, 1 garden finished

 3 trips to Children's for appointments
 12 lacrosse games, twice as many lacrosse practices
bring a friend to tap, bring a friend to dinner 
sitting on the deck enjoying a snack

sitting on the deck enjoying a quiet evening

learning to crawl

learning to stand

& through it all feeling incredibly, incredibly blessed.



StephGould said...

love your post tonight, it's awesome. Love the pics too!! I'm so excited and nervous for you guys all at the same time......yeesh!!

Auntie Jenn said...

thanks for the flower picture!! heheehhe its my new desktop photo!