April 20, 2009

two, deux, dos ....

today you are two
you have grown so, so much
there are moments where I want to stop time
but just for a minute or two 
to savour a laugh, a silly moment or a sweet hug
so I don't forget what a blessing the "small" things are
that make life so amazing

you have accomplished so very, very much in one year

3 closed reduction surgeries

to wearing an abduction brace full time

to learning how to move on your own

to sitting and standing and climbing
but only when you can catch Mommy by surprise
and looking incredibly proud
like you know what a challenge you have
just overcome

all while being the incredibly happy, loving, 
generous, silly, brave,
beautiful, adventurous
boy you are
we love you so much Jack 
and are very, very proud to 
be your parents
we can't wait to see all that you accomplish this year

Mommy & Daddy

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