May 8, 2009

I'm blaming it on lack of sleep

Jackjack is doing fabulous! He's sleeping well & enjoying just hangin' out & layin' low .... with yummy cookies left by a very special lady!!

Jackjack loves Thomas & I was heartbroken to know that Thomas was here while Jackjack was in the hospital. That was until I found out that he's here this weekend as well!! Although online tickets are sold out, they do have a few available at the door!  

I got all the information I needed, Jackjack has had 2 fabulous days & nights, he is in between waking & needing a nap,  he is down to just needing Tylenol for pain control, it's a cool day outside .... sounds perfect, doesn't it??

It got even better when we got there & the parking lost wasn't busy, there wasn't a big line to get in, Jackjack handled the drive in well & was still very happy. 

I was very, very proud of the pretty lady taking admissions. She didn't laugh at me like "hipdaddy" did,  when she very gently said ...

"Thomas isn't here until tomorrow."

It's the lack of sleep .... clearly!


1 comment:

stephtesting said...

ola aunties :)